so the ultrasound confirmed without a shadow of a doubt that we're having another boy! :) (not like i'd be unhappy either way of course...) so my sweet khary will be a big brother to a (hopefully) sweet little brother, which means he will have someone to roughhouse with, play catch with, dig in the dirt with...all that boy stuff. granted, i'd love it if any girl of mine would do those same things, too, but given khary's affinity for all things "boy," despite mommy's attempts to evenly expose him to "feminine" and "masculine" toys and activities, i kinda think boy#2 will do the same. (of course, it probably makes a difference when mommy isn't particularly girly and prefers to watch a football game to ice skating!)
we decided to cave in and "cheat" to find out because i was starting to really drool over little girl clothes a bit too much. and i also had about 4 offers of little girl wardrobes coming my way "in case," so i needed to find out so i didn't get too wrapped up in girldom. and i'm happy i did, because now i can get totally wrapped up in having two amazing boys!
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