yeah, so...been a while, huh?
my 1st trimester was a lesson in functioning while feeling sick as a dog. now that i'm well into my 2nd trimester, it's finally (FINALLY!) gone for the most part & i can stand to look at a computer screen longer than i absolutely have to.
i realized today that the health professionals i'm seeing are all located in the state of kansas rather than missouri. so maybe one's experience in missouri would be different (eg, finding a doc who will be cool with ordering prenatals and monitoring your health even though he knows you hope to never use him because you want a homebirth). anyway, i know people who just saw regular ob's without ever telling them about their intentions for hb or uc.
we also found out that there's just one cooking in there, and i've been better able to bond since finding that out for certain. twins were highly unlikely, but i'd had so many prepregnancy and early pgcy dreams of twins, i had to know for sure early. so at my 2nd midwife appointment she could definitively tell me there was only one. of course, had i waited 2 weeks, Lumpy would have been big enough for me to tell there was only 1 in there myself! :)
i got my orders for an ultrasound & scheduled it for tomorrow morning. i'm much much much more excited than i thought i'd be. and honestly, i never though i'd say this, but i may find out the sex, after all. i've always considered that "cheating" since it's not like anyone ever really KNEW until ultrasound technology advanced, but argh. there are decisions to make, clothes to pick out (nearly all free, btw; i am blessed with friends and relatives who had girls around the same time of year & have been saving their clothes for me "just in case"), name to finalize.
also, as of my doc appt last week, at 16 weeks, i was just back to my pre-pregnancy weight. (see, i told you i was sick!!!) it wasn't so much from starvation as having to only eat the "good for me" foods and filling up fast, so there wasn't room for the bad, fatty stuff...or at least not a lot of it, anyway. my mw doesn't give a hoot about weight gain, but my massive 60+ pound weight gain with khary is part of why it was hard to feel good about my body after i had him. (i felt proud of my body's *ability* but not of its appearance!!)
well, those are all the ramblings i have for the moment. i'll try to keep this updated a bit better now that i'm feeling mostly healthy. (that darn relaxin is already working it magic in making my hips funky.)