One of the latter is Henry and the Crazed Chicken Pirates by Carolyn Crimi, illustrated by John Manders.
I hesitantly picked this book when my 3yo was wandering around our local library branch, collecting books featuring rabbits on the covers. I acquiesced because we were also picking up the next chapter book I've been reading my 6yo before bed, How to be a Pirate (the 2nd in the "How to Train Your Dragon" series). I'm so glad I did--it's no award-winner, but it is a FUN book to read, to listen to, and to look at. The watercolor illustrations are bright, colorful, and engaging. If you do voice variation when you read, it's fun for that, too. (There are pirates, after all!) My 6yo requested I read this twice in a row one night--which he almost never does anymore--and then once AGAIN the following night. He loved it so much that he insisted I "write about it on the internet." Wish granted, Bubba.